ELI5! What is an ICO? A Simple Explanation for Kids

Have you ever heard of something called an ICO? It’s a way for companies to raise money by creating their own special kind of money, called digital currency or cryptocurrency.
Just like how you might have some money in your piggy bank, digital currency is a special kind of money that you can’t hold in your hand. Instead, it’s stored on a computer and you can use it to buy things online, just like how you might use your mom or dad’s credit card to buy things on Amazon.
When a company wants to create their own digital currency, they might decide to do something called an ICO. This is kind of like a big party where people can come and buy the company’s digital currency, just like how you might go to a birthday party and buy a special toy or game from the birthday girl or boy.
The people who buy the company’s digital currency during the ICO are called investors, and they hope that the company will do well and their digital currency will become more valuable. It’s kind of like buying a toy that you hope will be worth more money someday.
So, why do companies do ICOs? Well, it’s a way for them to raise money to do cool things, like make new products or build new technologies. And, if their digital currency becomes more valuable, it can be worth a lot of money someday!
In conclusion, an ICO is a way for companies to create their own digital currency and raise money by selling it to people. While it might seem a little confusing, it’s kind of like going to a big party and buying a special toy from the birthday girl or boy. And who knows, if you buy some digital currency during an ICO, it might become very valuable someday!

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