ELI5! What is a Programming Language? A Simple Explanation for Kids

Have you ever wanted to tell a computer what to do? Well, you can! A programming language is a special kind of language that computers use to understand what we want them to do.
Just like how we use words to communicate with each other, programmers use programming languages to communicate with computers. There are many different programming languages, just like there are many different languages that people use to communicate with each other.
Each programming language has its own set of rules and instructions that programmers use to write programs. Programs are like recipes that tell computers what to do. They might be simple, like adding two numbers together, or complex, like creating a video game.
When a programmer writes a program in a programming language, the computer reads the program and follows the instructions. This allows the computer to do all sorts of cool things, like display pictures, play music, and even control robots!
Programming languages are important because they allow us to create new technology and solve complex problems. They’re used in all sorts of industries, from video game development to scientific research.
In conclusion, programming languages are a special kind of language that computers use to understand what we want them to do. By learning how to code in a programming language, you can create amazing things and solve problems that you never thought were possible. So, whether you’re a young coder or just curious about computers, programming languages are an exciting and important part of the world we live in.

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