ELI5! What is a Game Developer? Explained for Kids

Have you ever played a video game and wondered how it was made? Well, it takes a special kind of person to create a video game – that person is called a game developer!
A game developer is someone who makes video games. They come up with ideas for games, design the characters and levels, and write the code that makes the game work. It’s a bit like being an artist, writer, and computer programmer all rolled into one!
First, the game developer comes up with an idea for a game. This might be a game where you have to save the world from aliens, or a game where you run a restaurant and cook food for customers. Once they have an idea, they start designing the game.
Designing the game means coming up with the characters and levels. Characters are the people, animals, or creatures that you play as or against in the game. Levels are the different places that you play in, like a jungle, a city, or even outer space!
Once the game developer has designed the game, they start writing the code. Code is like a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do. It’s kind of like telling a robot what to do, but instead of moving around, it makes the game work!
The game developer writes the code so that when you play the game, things happen on the screen. For example, if you press a button to make your character jump, the code tells the computer to make your character jump!
In conclusion, a game developer is someone who makes video games. They come up with ideas for games, design the characters and levels, and write the code that makes the game work. It’s a big job, but it’s also a lot of fun!

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