ELI5! Web3 Explained for Kids: What It Is and Why It Matters

Have you ever used the internet to watch videos or play games? Web3 is a new kind of internet that’s even better than the one you use now!
The regular internet you use now is called Web2. It’s a lot of fun, but it has some problems. For example, sometimes when you use the internet, your personal information can be shared without your permission. This is not good!
Web3 is a new and improved version of the internet that solves these problems. It’s like a super internet that’s more private, more secure, and more fun!
One of the reasons Web3 is better is because it uses something called blockchain technology. This is a special kind of technology that makes it very hard for people to see or change the things you do on the internet.
Another reason Web3 is better is because it’s decentralized. This means that instead of one big company controlling everything on the internet, lots of different people and companies work together to make it work.
In Web3, you can do lots of fun things, just like on the regular internet. You can watch videos, play games, and talk to your friends. But you can also do new things that you can’t do on the regular internet, like buy and sell things without a middleman or play games where you can earn real money!
So, Web3 is a new and improved version of the internet that’s more private, more secure, and more fun! It uses blockchain technology and is decentralized, which makes it a lot better than the regular internet you use now.

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